Sunday, December 26, 2010

Reading for January 2, 2011 service

We will continue our reading of the Gospel of Luke, chapters 7-12 for our first service of the new year.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas 2010

This is from our 4:00 service, where we were invited to light a candle and say a prayer ...

Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas Eve Service Times

We will have two services on Christmas Eve:

4:00 p.m. -- Young Families
7:00 p.m. -- Carols and Candles

Invite a friend!  Go to our web page,, click on the red banner, and then on the "Tell a Friend" in the gold navigation bar.

Reading for December 26 service

For our December 26 service, we begin our reading of the Gospel of Luke, chapters 1-6.

Advent week 4, December 19, 2010

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Reading for November 14 service

Please read chapters 13-18 of the Gospel of Matthew for our November 14 service, and remember the important congregational meeting to follow the worship service.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Congratulations Pastor Ted!

Congratulations to Pastor Ted, who was received into full membership of the EPC Presbytery of Mid-America this morning!

Praise be to God!!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Readings for October 17 service

Please read chapters 13-18 in the Gospel of John, and remember that we switch to our new time ...

8:30 a.m. Sunday School
10:00 a.m. Worship

Missional Renaissance book study to begin October 24

Beginning Sunday, October 24 at 6:30 p.m., Paul & Sally Knoespel will lead our study of the book Missional Renaissance: Changing the Scorecard for the Church by Reggie McNeal. 

If you’ve participated in a Membership Course, then you’ve heard an interview with Reggie McNeal recorded at the 2010 Evangelical Presbyterian Church’s General Assembly.  It was when one of our Membership Classes listened to this interview that it was proposed we change the September 12 picnic into a block party, inviting the neighborhood. 

Pastor Ted says:
I tell you, my friends, at that block party a new vision for ministry was born within me.  It all comes within the concept of the missional church.   Under our vision statement: “Introducing people to the life-transforming Jesus,” there are three distictives I want to emphasize/implement: the spirit of “family,” the Alpha program, and the missional church.  With this book study, I hope to engage your mind and awaken God’s vision within us.  ...  Would you please be in prayer?  Might you consider getting a copy of the book and beginning to read?
Some books have already been ordered and will be available at a cost of $16.50 each.

Date: Beginning Sunday, October 24, and then Sunday evenings from October 31 - December 12 (skipping Sunday, November 28)
Time:  6:30 - 8:00 p.m.
Sessions:  7
Place:  Christ Alone Church in the Lounge

For the October 24 session, please read chapters 1 and 2.

Please join us in learning more about our vision of being missional!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Reading for October 10 service

For our October 10 service, please read chapters 7-12 in the Gospel of John.

Remember also that this is the last Sunday of the East Moravian Church congregation, and they will be having their closing celebration that afternoon and evening, so we will need to be out of the facility by 12:00 noon sharp.  Please keep the East Moravian congregation in prayer as they embark on the next part of their journey ...

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Readings for October 3 Service

For our October 3 (World Communion Sunday) service, please read chapters 1-6 in the Gospel of John.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

New Worship Time -- Beginning October 17

Christ Alone Church is excited to annouce new Sunday school and worship times, beginning Sunday, October 17:

8:30 a.m. -- Sunday School (for ages 4 through adult)
10:00 a.m. -- Worship

Make sure to mark your calendar!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Christ Alone Church Announces September 12 as "Fall Frenzy!"

Please join Christ Alone Church on September 12 as we kick off our first program year with our "Fall Frenzy!"  Details are being finalized, but mark your calenders and watch our web site and your email for more information ...

Upcoming Movie Night

We are looking to hold a movie night (date TBD) and would like your suggestions for our first movie ... here are the choices (click on each title for more information on each movie):
Please contact either Penny Wanish or email Pastor Ted with your vote, and watch for the date!

Readings for August 22 service

Continuing with our second reading through the Gospel of Mark, please read chapters 7-13 with the three questions in mind.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Readings for August 15 service

We are returning to the Gospel of Mark, chapters 1 through 6 ... however, read from a different translation and see what new things speak to you (in addition to the three questions)!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Readings for August 8 service

We will be concluding our reading of the Gospel of Matthew -- please read chapters 25-28.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Alpha is coming!

From the July 30, 2010 Green Bay Press-GazetteAlpha is a course for Christianity curious

Christ Alone Church will be offering the Alpha Course in September -- start watching for more information!

Pictures of the day, 07/29/2010

Take a look downstairs to see some of the wonderful artwork from our children!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Readings for August 1 Service

Please read the Gospel of Matthew chapters 19-24 with the three questions in mind.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Christ Alone Church announces additional membership class

Christ Alone Church has opened up a third section of the membership class and is signing people up. 

This section will be held Sunday evenings from 6:30-8:00 p.m. beginning August 1, and this 8 session course will be held at the East Moravian site in rooms 7/9.  Enrollment will be limited to 12, so sign up soon!

Readings for July 25 service

Please read chapters 13-18 of the Gospel of Matthew with the three questions in mind.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Readings for July 18 service and reminders for this week

We will be continuing our study of the Gospel of Matthew, reading chapters 7-12 with the three questions in mind.

After a two week break, our membership classes will resume this Wednesday, July 14, at 10:30 for the morning section and 7:00 for the evening section.

Lastly, we begin worshipping at the East Side Moravian Church at 10:45 a.m. on July 18.  Sunday school will continue being held following the Children's Time in the worship service.  Watch your email for plans for Sunday School ...

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Christ Alone Church announces new worship time

To go along with our move to the East Side Moravian Church location, Christ Alone Church also announces a new worship time!

Beginning July 18, our worship will begin at 10:45 a.m.  Please make note of this time change! 

Watch your weekly news e-mail and our news area for more information regarding Sunday School ...

Readings for July 11 service

This week, we go back to the beginning of the New Testament and begin our study of the Gospel of Matthew. Please read chapters 1-6 with the following questions in mind:
  1. What surprised you in our readings?
  2. What new thing(s) did you learn about Jesus?
  3. With this awareness, what should change in your life?

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Readings for July 4 service

We will be concluding our reading of the Gospel of John for our July 4 service, so please read chapters 19-21 with the three questions in mind.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Following the EPC General Assembly

The EPC General Assembly is this week ... please keep the commissioners in prayer as they discuss and vote on important issues.

If you want to follow the happenings, several outlets are reporting on it:

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Readings for June 27 service

Please read chapters 13-18 in the Gospel of John, keeping the three questions in mind.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Christ Alone Church Announces New Location!

Christ Alone Church announces a three-month sharing arrangement with the East Side Moravian Church effective July 18, 2010.  Mark this date on your calendar in red to celebrate and thank the Lord for this gift!

Along with the change in location, there will also be a change in worship time, which will be finalized shortly (it is tentatively set on the calendar, but is subject to change). With this increase in time and space flexibility, Christ Alone Church plans to start offering Sunday School classes for all ages 3 and up, and we may open a third section of our membership classes!

Glory be to God!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Readings for June 20 Service

Please read chapters 7-12 of the Gospel of John, keeping the three questions in mind.

Our membership classes start this Wednesday, June 16, at 10:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. -- space for each section is limited, so if you haven't had an oppotunity to sign up or if Wednesdays won't work for you, please contact a member of our leadership team.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Christ Alone Church Announces Membership Classes

Christ Alone Church annouces 8 session membership classes to be held this summer and are currently signing people up. There will be daytime and evening sections. Watch your email for more details which are forthcoming, and if you are interested in signing up or have any questions, please contact a member of our leadership team.

Readings for June 13 Service

We have completed our study of the Gospel of Luke and are continuing to the Gospel of John.  Please read chapters 1-6 of the Gospel of June for our June 13 service, and read it with these questions in mind:
  1. What surprised you in our readings?
  2. What new thing(s) did you learn about Jesus?
  3. With this awareness, what should change in your life?

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Readings for June 6 service

For the June 6 service, we will be completing our study of the Gospel of Luke, so please read chapters 19-24 with the three questions in mind.

Remember that our organizational meeting will be on June 6, immediately following the worship service.  Please review the materials (which can be accessed here) and attend this important meeting.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Readings for May 30 Service

Please read chapters 13-18 of the Gospel of Luke, keeping in mind the three questions.

Christ Alone Church Announces June 6 Organizational Meeting

Christ Alone Church announces an organizational meeting to be held June 6, immediately following the worship service. Because we need to be out of the Community Center by 11:00, we will be keeping the meeting brief (about 45 minutes) and ask that everyone stay and help with clean up after the meeting adjourns.

In preparation for this important meeting, we ask that you visit our vision page and study our vision and values, as well as visiting the EPC's website, and studying their beliefs, positions and pastoral letters (if you want a hard copy, please print one for your records).

Christ Alone Church Announces Summer Intern

Christ Alone Church announces that Tim Knoespel will be interning for us this summer!

In this capacity, Tim will be working closely with Pastor Ted to learn more about the work of a pastor and will be doing some projects for Christ Alone Church, including some mission and youth-related work.

Please welcome Tim and pray for him as he embarks upon this portion of his journey.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Readings for May 23 service

Please read chapters 7-12 of the Gospel of Luke and keep the three questions in mind as you are reading ...

Remember the Maribel Caves trip after the service too!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Reading for May 16 Service

Please read chapters 1-6 of the Gospel of Luke for our May 16 service, and read it with these questions in mind:
  1. What surprised you in our readings?
  2. What new thing(s) did you learn about Jesus?
  3. With this awareness, what should change in your life?

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Readings for May 9 Service

Please read the Gospel of Mark chapters 13-16, with the three questions in mind.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Readings for May 2 Service

Please read the Gospel of Mark chapters 7-12, with the three questions in mind.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Reading for April 25 service

Please read chapters 1-6 of the Gospel of Mark for our April 25 service, and read it with these questions in mind:
  1. What surprised you in our readings?
  2. What new thing(s) did you learn about Jesus?
  3. With this awareness, what should change in your life?

Christ Alone Church begins!

Christ Alone Church held it's first church service on April 18, 2010, and it was a very Spirit-led, moving service. Glory be to God!